Has there ever been the Ice Age?







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Warm climate


It is a rather common view that there was an Ice Age in the Earth's past. It has also been said that animals and people lived in the frigid temperatures of this winter that prevailed on Earth. It has also been said that the northernmost and southernmost areas were even colder than nowadays and that there was a thick sheet of ice on their surface.

  But is this consistent with all the facts? If we look at this in the light of the next points, they show the opposite. They show that the Earth experienced a warmer, not a colder climate. This is deduced from the next observations:


- Palm and fruit trees have been found in Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, and Siberia, and these simply could not survive there under the current conditions. Fossils of tropical plants and ferns have also been found in the Antarctic.


 - Coal and lignite deposits, that are found in Canada, the Spitzbergen island area, Greenland, and other cold areas are a sign of previously luxuriant vegetation.


 - Corals have been found in the Norwegian Sea, the Spitzbergen island area, and polar regions; these only live in warm seas.


 - Mollusks and corals, typical species of the Mediterranean, have been found in the North Sea.


 -Millions of fossils of animals including crocodiles, lions, antelopes, camels, sheep, cows, rhinoceroses, horses, mastodons, musk oxen, and numerous mammoths have been found in the arctic areas of Siberia and Alaska. These large animals would not have found food and water if the climate had been cold.


 - Extremely well preserved fossils of dinosaurs have been found in Alaska, 200 km (124 miles) north of the Arctic Circle. These have also been found in Greenland and Antarctica. For these cold-blooded animals to have survived, the climate must have been warm, not cold.


THE TIME of THE climate change 


Since we can conclude from plant and animal fossils that the climate was once warm in arctic areas, the next question is how long ago did this warm period happen? And generally speaking, it is said that this warmer period occurred hundreds of thousands, or millions of years ago.

   However, there are some indications that this warm environment existed on earth only some thousands of years ago. The following points support this:


Sediment examples from the bottom of the Ross Sea. After studying sediment from the bottom of the Ross Sea in the Antarctic, it was noted that the cold phase or the "Ice Age" started in this area only about 6,000 years ago, which is much less than those hundreds of thousands years that were previously supposed. Keijo Parkkunen explained a newspaper article in his book (Sadan vuoden harha-askel, p. 24, 25):


C.H. Hapgood, a professor of history and anthropology, provides interesting information about the Antarctic in his article Changing Earth's Crust in the Sunday Evening post 10 January 1959.

   "With the help of radiocarbon dating, the scientists rechecked the end of the last Ice Age, which proved to have been only 10,000 years ago instead of the 30,000 years suggested earlier.

   This observation gave reason to doubt the basic principles of the system the geologist Charles Lyell, who lived in the 1800s, created. He presumed that geological events such as water and snowfalls, erosion and the stratification of sediments, had in the past progressed at their current speed. (…) During the late Ice Age these geological events would have greatly quickened their speed. There must have then been some factor in effect that does not exist now. Another new method of dating the age, which we call the ion method, has also greatly shocked people when it has been used to determine ages from the sediment findings from the bottom of the Ross Sea: it has appeared that during the last million years, the Antarctic has melted several times (...) After dating these drillings from the sediment, it was observed that the latest Ice Age in the Ross Sea began 6,000 years ago."

   The observation that the Ice Age of the Antarctic only began 6000 years ago is a real bomb. Finally, a researcher approached the facts directly. This statement has such an understanding of the facts that it is simply shocking. There was no ice in the Antarctic before 6,000 years ago. Fruit and palm trees have been found there, also in Greenland and Siberia. It is also suspected that there is oil and coal in the Antarctic.


Ancient maps. It can also be concluded from ancient maps that cold climate conditions have not prevailed for a very long time.  We can see this from two maps from the 1500s which were prepared by Piri Reis and Oranteus Finaeus and which are both copies of some earlier maps – maybe dating to the classical period.

   Both of these maps present the continents with their borders and are quite consistent with the modern ones especially in the north-south direction, even though the east-west direction is not so accurate. However, what is special with these old maps is that both of them show the coastline of the Antarctic as unfrozen, even though it now is almost completely covered with ice. This indicates that there has been a time in the immediate past when there was no ice.

   In addition, seismic measurements taken in the coastlines of the Antarctic and Greenland have been quite consistent with these maps. Both maps are consistent with the landforms that have been found under the current ice field. The conclusion is that the current ice field areas cannot be very old; they must have been formed during the last few millennia. These maps are one piece of evidence supporting this.


Practical observations. We can also see in practice that the current climate in the arctic areas is not necessarily from ancient times. Airplanes that were left in Greenland during the Second World War have been covered with ice to a depth of 40 to 100 meters (43 to107 yards) in less than 60 years. This means almost 1 to 2 meters (1 to 2 yards) per year. Also, a 17-meter antenna in the Antarctic has been covered with ice over a period of 30 years, which is quite fast.

  As far as the current levels of rainfall are concerned, they are enough to explain the formation of an ice field in quite a short time. Greenland gets around 400 mm (15.7 inch) of rainfall a year, which will be even more when it turns into snow, even if part of it were to melt. The current rainfall is enough to create an ice field in a very short time, not over the course of hundreds of thousands of years.


American Fighters Defrosted in Greenland


Aviator-journalist Dieter Herrmann of Berlin is planning to thaw five rare P-38 Lightning fighter planes from the depths of the eternal ice cover over Greenland. If everything goes as Mr. Herrmann plans, these historical war fighters will be lifted up next summer by an international expedition consisting of more than 300 people.

   The American fighters desired by the expedition have been buried in eastern Greenland near Tasiilaq since 1942. Nowadays, these planes that were lost by the Allied forces during the war are covered by almost one hundred meters of eternal snow and ice.

   (…) In practice, the expedition will be able to reach the American planes inside the glacier by thawing a 100-meter vertical shaft in the snow and ice cover.

   (…) The Americans already used the thawing method to lift one fighter up in 1992. At that time, the plane was under an ice layer 80 meters thick. Now the P-38 in question has been restored and is used in aviation shows all around the world under the name Glacier Girl. (Newspaper Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, 14 January 2007)


AN Ice Age or THE flood?


It has been thought that ice ages have been a part of the Earth's history.

   However, there is also another alternative, which can explain the signs of an “ice age.” This is the Flood. Below, we will compare the facts we possess about the Flood to the theories considered so far:


 - There is not a single good theory that explains the beginning of the Ice Ages. The theories of continental movement, radiation reduction and others are weak or lack practical evidence.


 - Stories about the flood. One piece of evidence supporting the Flood is ancient records from all around the world that also include descriptions of the Fall of Man and the Confusion of Languages in Babel. On the other hand, there are no ancient records of an ice age or humans descending from apes.


 - Warm climate. Clear signs of a warm climate can be found at the time when the Ice Age and cold climate were supposed to have prevailed in the Northern Hemisphere. This clearly indicates that perhaps there has not been any ice age at all.


- Buried large animals, such as mammoths. This is difficult to explain in any other way than them being buried under mud and sludge during the Flood. At least five million of these animals are buried in the ground, which shows the full extent of the catastrophe.

   If we assume that the Ice Age or some other phenomenon was the reason for the devastation of these animals, it would not explain how they could have been buried inside icy ground during the Ice Age. That cannot be possible.


 - Potholes. The formation of potholes (also ridges) has often been attributed to the melting glacial waters during the Ice Age. However, it is more probable that these peculiarities of nature are connected with the Flood. The water masses during the flood would have moved more powerfully than the quiet purling waters of the Ice Age.

   As the speed of flowing water increases, the ability of water to transport things also increases. For example, the flood in Johnstown in May 1889 is said to have been so powerful that the current moved twenty iron railway engines for almost 1 km (0.6 miles) and one of them was buried so deep that it could not be found. (p. 182, Kaikkeuden sanoma by Wiljam Aittala)


 - Ancient shorelines have been used as a sign that the water level rose as ice melted, thereby covering dry areas. There are several signs of ancient shore lines in Finland. The so-called Ancylus Lake, and the Baltic Ice Lake supposedly covered Finland and its neighbors after the Ice Age.

   However, it is more probable that these ancient shorelines are the result of the Flood. Researchers are right that water did cover these areas, but it was an effect of the Flood, not of the melting of ice lakes. This is also supported by the fact that these ancient shores and marine animal fossils are found on all the highest mountains and dry areas around the world. The Ice Age could not have done this.


 - The rising of the ground has also been used as one piece of evidence proving the Ice Age, as was mentioned above. The same theory has also been used to try and prove the formation of mountains from former sea beds, because fossils of marine animals have been found on slopes of mountains.

   As we stated, however, the rising of ground cannot be used as evidence of the Ice Age because it is not consistent around the world.

  It is difficult to believe that all the mountains were at one time ancient sea beds which later rose. This would mean that all the highest mountains rose, because fossils of marine animals can be found on all of them – the Himalayas, Andes, Alps, and so on. That all of them rose from the sea is quite an unbelievable thought. A better explanation is that the Flood described in the Bible did in fact occur.

   It is possible, and it is true: If the amount of water on Earth suddenly increased, movement of the Earth's crust and increased volcanic activity could have resulted. Great rift valleys such as the Mariana Trench, which is about 11 km (6.8 mi) deep, and extensive mountain ranges could have been created. It is difficult to explain the formation of these geological features by any commonly held human theory. Their formation can, however, have resulted from unimaginable amounts of water pouring down from the sky.










Jari Iivanainen

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