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Jesus is the way,
 the truth, and the life



Chapter 6 F


Various other diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, gallstones, strokes, gangrene, and many eye diseases, are often connected with cardiovascular diseases. In many studies, it been noted that the good condition of veins and a low cholesterol level can prevent these diseases. For example, gallstones are connected with the cholesterol content of the blood and the gall; many eye diseases can be caused by common artery blockages whereupon blood is not able to flow properly. Alzheimer's disease and dementia, which are believed to increase in the coming years, are generally caused by factors concerning the veins. They can be prevented by taking care of our veins.

   When trying to protect ourselves from these diseases, we should avoid harmful nutrients (sugar, white flour, many animal fats, and hardened vegetable fat), and eat plenty of food that prevents heart diseases. Some studies, to which for instance the following newspaper articles refers, have indicated that fatty fish, nuts, and plant oils are beneficial. They offer the same protection against heart diseases:


Eating Fish to Prevent Alzheimer's?


Researchers in different corners of the world are feverishly searching for ways to prevent and care for the disease called Alzheimer's. When the population is ageing, dementia and especially Alzheimer's disease are expected to become more common. An American study has suggested that fats, including fish fat and omega-3 fatty acids, considerably decrease the risk of elderly people getting Alzheimer's.

   The researchers observed that those who ate fish once a week had a 60% smaller risk to get Alzheimer's than those who did not eat fish. Also, omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish and rapeseed oil, were noted to decrease the risk of the illness. The observed results stood fast, even though they were proportioned to other risk factors of dementia, such as education as well as heart and vein diseases.

   The researchers stated that by eating fish, oil-based salad dressings, and nuts, the danger of getting Alzheimer's disease can be decreased. (Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, 29 July 2003)


Weekly Bag of Nuts Can Keep Gallstones at Bay


Regular eating of nuts can prevent gallstones, report American researchers. According to them, one bag of nuts or approximately 140 grams a week is enough. The effect is the same with all nuts.

  Nuts contain many useful ingredients, which can explain the results. Nuts contain, for example, plenty of unsatisfied fatty acids, which in animal experiments have been observed to have an impact on the risk of gallstone diseases. Other elements found in nuts probably have an effect as well, such as nourishment fibers, magnesium, and plant sterols. (Etelä-Suomen sanomat, 6 July 2001)










Jari Iivanainen

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