
How did everything begin?






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The birth of the solar system and Earth





As regards the birth of the solar system and the Earth, the most common theory is that in the beginning, there was only one rotating cloud of gas and dust from which the Sun and planets gradually began to form.

   As this cloud rotated at a great velocity, only its central part stayed in place, and from it the Sun was formed; through collisions and mergers, the separate parts began to form into larger pieces until, finally, they became planets. It is believed that the whole solar system and the Earth came into existence from this one gas-dust cloud.




When we start to study the possibility that the solar system and the Earth came into being in the way described above, we must note that there are many problems with the theory. In fact, the problems are so huge that according to some researchers, the whole solar system should not even exist. This suggests that the theory of their birth cannot rest on a firm foundation:


Even nowadays, when astrophysics has progressed enormously, many theories concerning the origin of the solar system are unsatisfactory. Scientists still disagree about the details. There is no commonly accepted theory in sight. (Jim Brooks, Näin alkoi elämä, p. 57 / Origins of Life)


All presented hypotheses about the origin of the solar system have serious inconsistencies. The conclusion, at the moment, seems to be that the solar system cannot exist. (H. Jeffreys, The Earth: Its Origin, History and Physical Constitution, 6th edition, Cambridge University Press, 1976, p. 387)


Rotation speed. One problem concerns the speed of rotation. If the Sun and the planets actually came into being in the above-mentioned manner, the rotation speed of the original gas cloud should have been a lot greater than the Sun's current rotation speed. As the rotation speed now is approximately 2 km/s, the original rotation speed should have been about 1,000 km/s. Why is the speed nowadays so low, only 1/500 of the supposed original value? What has caused the speed to diminish so enormously? Jim Brooks has explained this problem in the following way:


The largest difficulty with this theory has to do with the impulse moment of the planets and the Sun. It seems that the primeval nebula has not been able to rotate quickly enough for the rings to come loose. According to mathematical laws, the total impulse moment of the solar system has remained the same in all of its development stages. Should the known total impulse moment fall completely to the Sun, the Sun would rotate about fifty times faster around its axis than at present, in other words, one circuit in half a day. As a consequence, the centrifugal force at the Sun's equator would increase. This would reduce the Sun's force of gravity only by 5%, and so the rings could not come loose. So, our calculations imply that the centrifugal force could not have been able to hurl the planets from the Sun into the outer space. (Jim Brooks, Näin alkoi elämä / Origins of Life, p. 53)


Another problem with the rotation speed is that if the rotation thrust the planets away from the Sun, why does the Sun revolve slower than the planets (for example, the Earth revolves around its axis over 25 times faster than the Sun)? Why does the Sun revolve slower than the planets, even though it should be revolving much faster?

   Spinning-top tests indicate that small objects that are thrust away lose their velocity much faster than the spinning-top itself. In other words, the spinning-top that is still rotating retains a greater velocity than the objects that have been thrust away. Why is it that the rotation speeds between the Sun and the planets are quite the opposite to what we should expect? What has slowed the Sun's rotation speed so considerably compared to the planets?


Distances. The second problem is the distance of planets from the Sun. Since the diameter of the Sun is now about 1.4 million kilometers and the initial cloud was only 2–3 times larger, we can pose the question of how, when studying these figures, can the planets be so far away from the Sun? The Earth is about 150 million kilometers away from the Sun, and Pluto almost forty times further away or a distance of about 5,900 million kilometers, which is over 4,000 times the Sun's diameter. These figures are huge. How could these objects have been thrown so far away from the vicinity of the Sun's gravity if in the beginning they really were knit so tightly together? What threw them so far, when the Sun’s own rotation speed is now only 2 km/s?


Composition and atmospheres of planets. The greatest problem with the birth of the solar system is connected with the different composition of the Sun, planets and moons. If they really had been created from the same gas cloud, they should also have similar compositions, which is not the case. The following observations reflect some of the differences between them. They suggest the size and severity of problems that arise if we stick with the current theories:


- 99 per cent of the Sun consists of light elements, i.e., hydrogen and helium, but the Earth has only about one percent of these elements, and it is composed of 99 percent heavy elements. The compositions of the other inner planets are also completely different from that of the Sun.

- There are such huge differences in composition of the Earth and its moon and the other inner planets that it is difficult to think that their origin could be the same and they could have been born from the same initial cloud.

- There are enormous differences between the Earth and the large outer planets and their moons. The composition of the Earth is totally different than that of these outer planets, which are composed of light elements.

- There is plenty of water on Earth, but the other planets are almost completely devoid of water.

- The atmospheres notably differ from each another. There are at least the following differences:

- Earth: 78% nitrogen, approximately 21% oxygen plus argon and other gases.

- Venus: 97% carbon dioxide, 2% nitrogen and less than 1% water vapor 

- Mars: 95% carbon dioxide, the rest nitrogen and argon

- Jupiter: Approximately 82% hydrogen and 17% helium


Movements. If we propose that the planets and moons have the same origin, then their movements should also be similar. All of them should rotate approximately to the same direction, since they have all come into existence from the same rotation.

   However, this is not the case. As one studies the movements of these celestial bodies, one finds that many of them are rotating in exactly the opposite way as one could expect. These differences would certainly not be possible if they really had the same origin. Here are some differences:


- Venus rotates around its axis to the opposite direction than the other planets.

- Four of Jupiter's moons, one of Uranus' moons, and Neptune's second moon or the large Triton revolve around their mother planet to the opposite direction than the other moons.

- The planet Uranus is also an exception; its axis is almost on track level, while the axes of the other planets are nearly perpendicular to their track level.



Jari Iivanainen

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