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Should we live according to our desires and inclinations?



The ideology of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement in review


This article discusses the ideology of the Tulkaa kaikki (in English: Come all)-movement operating in the Church of Finland (This organization supports gay marriage in church). It is not my intention to stand above anyone or point a finger at anyone. I can’t afford that because in God’s eyes, each of us has flaws, including myself. Nor do I think it’s worth writing about these things if you don’t seek to respect people who think differently, as the members of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement do. It would be better to remain silent than to speak and write in the wrong mind. We have enough attitudes in society in which those who think differently are bashed and considered completely worthless. This defamatory attitude towards others occurs e.g. on the Internet discussion boards, but these discussers forget Jesus' warning words on the subject: “But I say to you, That whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whoever shall say, You fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.”(Matt 5:22).

   So why have I written on this topic? The main reason is not anyone’s single life. I am not interested in it except in the sense that I want every human being saved and connected to God. It involves, of course, the fact that this person must change his life according to what is right in the eyes of God. This includes renunciation of sins, whatever the sin.

    Instead, when writing about these topics and now about the Tulkaa kaikki -movement, I’m worried about the ideology that’s around this issue. I see it as a totalitarian ideology with no room for different thinking, like traditional Christianity. It is reminiscent of communism and Nazism, in which societies dissidents were in danger. They were taken to court for their opinions, and I see the same thing happening here in the West. I'm pretty convinced of that. That is, this ideology eliminates religious freedom, and that is why I am concerned. Of course, if you adapt to this ideology, you will be at peace. People like you have nothing to fear, but only those who believe in Bible verses on this topic.

    Where did the idea for this piece of writing come from? The starting point was an audience post by a few members of the Tulkaa Kaikki movement in Etelä-Suomen Sanomat Newspaper. I am taking it here because it can be used to understand something about the ideology of the Tulkaa Kaikki movement:


The church must live in time


The research-based image of Finnish religiosity is a strong challenge for the church. The composition of the synod meets poorly the views of the vast majority of parishioners.

   According to the church's four-year report (2016-2019), the church must find ways to implement a theology that has a strong interface with Finnish society and Finnish everyday life.

   Religiosity in itself has not diminished. Only 34% of the younger generations admit to being non-religious. Either believers in God taught by Christianity or differently than those taught by the Church, there are still almost half of the people who believe in God.

   The biggest differences between the generations are in attitudes towards religion. There is a difference of up to 45 percentage points between generations in the proportion who consider religion important.

   When examining marriage perceptions, it was asked whether gay and lesbian couples are as good parents as others. This view was shared by 73% of those born after 1990, and as many as 85% of female respondents.

   There is an intergenerational change in the religiosity of Finns. This is particularly evident in the valuations of millennials and younger ones, i.e. those born after 1980.

   Exegetics, or biblical study, critically examines the sacred texts of religions and the history of the birth and interpretation of the Bible. The conservative reading considers the texts of the Bible to be the eternal and unchanging word of God. Liberal beliefs emphasize the diversity of Bible interpretations throughout the ages.

   By also allowing room for research-based interpretations, the Church can better confront view groups with different views on religion.

   Appreciating and respecting diversity enables more people to find their own identities as members of the Church. By voting in parish elections, each member of the church influences the composition of the congregation, as the church councilors of the parishes elect lay representatives to the synod.

Pentti Rauhala, Lahti

Kauko Mäkinen, Imatra

Laura Jouhkimo, Mikkeli

Activists of Tulkaa kaikki -movement in the Diocese of Mikkeli (Opinion, Etelä-Suomen sanomat 8.9. 2021)


That was an audience department letter from the Tulkaa kaikki -movement. Since I myself am somewhat familiar with the subject, as with all sorts of thought structures, which I see as clearly in conflict with God’s will, I immediately thought of writing the answer in the same newspaper, and it appeared in the same paper a couple of days later (10.9.2021). Unfortunately, the writing had been shortened and changed, which I was initially depressed about. The title of the magazine was “What is the significance of a church that adapts to the opinions of society in everything” which in itself is a good title. My own title, instead, was “The Church Should Look to the Future”. By this, I was thinking mainly of two things, that we are once before the judgment seat of God and, secondly, that if the priests of the Church do not believe in the teaching of Jesus and the apostles, why would others then believe too. No one bothers to go to church if the priests are unbelievers. It will only lead to the withering away of the Church and the loss of membership, as has already happened in the metropolitan area, where the ideology of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement has won the most ground. So, here's my own writing and response in the original form:


"The Church Should Look to the Future"

The activists of the Tulkaa kaikki movement took a stand for a homosexual lifestyle in a writing: "The Church Should Live in Time" (8.9). However, I wonder how these activists work, and for a number of reasons.

    First, when it comes to changing the traditional teaching of the Church to fit society, what role does a Church have that adapts in everything to the opinions of society? Such a church has no future. Why be a member of the Church whose priests question the clear Teachings of Jesus and the Apostles? Why listen to unbelieving priests who claim Jesus and the Apostles to be either ignorant or liars, as the activists of Tulkaa kaikki - movement inevitably do. I might as well join the ranks of free thinkers if the Teachings of Jesus and the Apostles are irrelevant. In other words, the activists of the movement oppose e.g. the following verses that mention the practice of homosexuality as one of the sins that separates us from God: "Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, shall inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor 6 : 9,10).

     Based on this, we can talk about love. Is it true love to warn people about living in sin, or is it love to urge them to live according to their tendencies, in this case homosexuality? At least me, when I look at it through the previous verses, I consider as love when people are warned against practicing sins, whatever sin it may be. It's as if people are being warned about weak ice: "Don't go that way so you don't get drowned". Instead, the activists in the Tulkaa Kaikki movement act and think the opposite.

    I also wonder why these activists have focused on just this one tendency and driving it. People have also other tendencies, like some watch porn, some fear, some hate, others overeat, others use drugs, etc. Why don't these activists drive these people's tendencies, or don't they love these people? They often talk about love, but why are they focused on just this one group and tendency? There is a clear contradiction in this.

     Personally, however, I believe that every human being has false tendencies and lusts, but we should not reach out towards them but aim for Eternal life. This change of mind in relation to sin, as well as the Proclamation of forgiveness received through Jesus for those who repent of their sins, should be the centerpiece of the proclamation of the church. Otherwise, the church has no future.


I will also bring up another audience section article I wrote. It was published in the Uusi Lahti newspaper on 31 October 2022 and was a comment on the article by a few representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement in the same newspaper a week earlier. My writing below:


Tulkaa kaikki- movement and the god of imagination

Minna Vallo and Sirkku Pelkonen, representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement, wrote about the state of the church in their article "Lutheranism in the 2020s is more than marriage" (Opinion 19.10). They brought up the concept of marriage and the discussion around it.

    But what is the cause of the difficult situation? Isn't it caused precisely by the Tulkaa kaikki- movement's own, disruptive activities, when its representatives want to change traditional Christian teaching? They no longer believe in Jesus and the apostles, but claim them as liars or ignorant. They claim that the teachings of Jesus and the apostles about marriage and sex being only between a man and a wife (Matthew 19:1-12, 1 Cor 7:1-5) are no longer relevant. They believe they are wiser and more loving than Jesus and the apostles were. I personally consider such an attitude to be insolence and arrogance.

     So what is love? Paul wrote that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9,10: Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?  Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, shall inherit the kingdom of God). This category includes e.g. adulterers, thieves, greedy but also homosexuals. Everyone can be forgiven because of Jesus' great atoning work, no matter what their background, but if a person hardens himself and willfully continues to sin, he will not inherit the kingdom of God. Because of this, the question arises, what is real love? If the preceding verses are true, then is it not love to warn one's neighbor against wrongdoing, just like weak ice? Based on these verses, the representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement do not love their neighbors in the right way, because they only lead people away from God and eventually into perdition. Or isn't that the case? They think they represent love, but they don't do that.

    I think the members of the Tulkaa kaikki movement have a god of imagination. The second commandment says, "You shall not make to you any graven image," and this is exactly what I see them guilty of. They have created their own god in their minds, which is completely different from what Jesus represented. That is, Jesus, the perfect image of God the Father (John 14:9, Heb 1:3), was certainly more loving than anyone else, but he also warned: "but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3). This is not done by the representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement. They do not care about the eternal destiny of people.


I will bring up another article I wrote related to the same topic, but which was not published. The representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement want to change the clear teachings of the Bible, explaining that "we know more now than in the times of the Bible", therefore, in their opinion, the teachings of Jesus and the apostles should not be quoted. I personally understand that if we go down this path, the Bible is a useless book and can be thrown away.


The Bible Interpretation of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement     


The representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement wrote about gay marriages under the title "The newest knowledge must be taken into account in the interpretation of the Bible" (ESS 28.10)" (ESS 28.10). They tried to defend this issue by implying that at the time of the creation of the Bible people were not as enlightened as now, but that now more is known than before. According to their view, the teachings of Jesus and the apostles should be updated.

    However, I ask that if we go down this line, why is the Bible needed anymore? If I didn't believe in this book myself, I would immediately throw it away. If we take this line, none of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles have a reliable basis. At least I don't want to believe in the representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement, who place themselves above Jesus and the apostles, thinking that they are wiser and more loving than them. This is an arrogant attitude.

     The authors also say that "Paul never says a word in his letters about the love of two people of the same sex. The idea is completely new and unknown to the Bible and its authors".

     Alarm bells should ring here, because the Bible talks about love for all people hundreds of times. Yes, the writers certainly know that.

    Instead, the teaching of Jesus and the apostles is that sex is right only in a marriage between a man and a wife, not elsewhere. Not in heterosexual relationships outside of marriage, and not in homosexual relationships. All other sexual relations are wrong according to the teaching of Jesus and the apostles, and lead to perdition (1 Cor 6:9,10). Little literacy is needed to understand this teaching.

     Of course, the representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement say that if there is love, then there can be sexual relations elsewhere as well. It may indeed be, but is it right, and does God approve of this? The representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki- movement have to rely on their own imagination in this matter. They don't know what's beyond the border and think God is on their side. What if they themselves are wrong, and God judges them across the border for leading people astray and to damnation in this matter? This is really the case, if the teachings of Jesus and the apostles are relevant and true today. 


How did this come about? When a society undergoes change and development, it never begins as if in the middle or by great leaps, but may have been preceded by a gradual change that may take decades. People’s minds and attitudes don’t change very quickly, but a generation can change before the change happens in some direction.

    This is also the case here. When same-sex sex relationships and ordinary heterosexual relationships outside of marriage are increasingly favored today, this has its origins decades ago. Its most important factor can be considered the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s. It was emphasized at that time, not the amount of sex, but that sex could also be practiced outside the marriage of an ordinary man and wife, “if only they both love each other”. In addition, free abortion was demanded and homosexuals were interviewed, so the seeds for current development were sown at the time. The activities of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement, in which it promotes the same patterns of behavior within the church as the representatives of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, are a continuation of what began in the 1960s. In one of his books, Matti Joensuu has told about how the change in the debate took place in the 1960s.


I was away from my homeland for three years, the years 1965 to 1968. When I returned in the autumn of 1968, I was very surprised at the change that had taken place in the atmosphere of public conversation. This concerned both the tone of conversation and also the framing of questions.

   (...) In the student world, those who demanded justification of sexual relationships were the ones blowing their trombones loudly. They insisted, for instance, that boys and girls should be allowed to live together in university dormitories even though they were not married. It seemed that the Teen League had been taken over by new leaders who proclaimed not only socialism and school democracy, but also the idea of free sexual relations. All in all, what was new was that reference groups had formed that spoke much more openly about gender issues than had previously been customary in public, accusing society and the Church of applying double standards.

    The tone of the conversation was to a large extent ethical. Morality was considered evil. It was reproached. At the same time, however, new morality was proclaimed, often in a very moralistic and intolerant manner. Whereas in the past there was talk of understanding the sexual behaviour of young people, some groups declared now that it is right to have casual sexual relations. The institution of marriage and real genuine love were even contrasted. Couples living unlegalized cohabitation were interviewed in public as some kind of heroes of a new morality who dared to stand up against the morality of a degenerate bourgeois society. Similarly, homosexuals were interviewed and free abortion was called for. (1)


The change that began in sexuality in the 1960s is well illustrated by the fact that in the late 1960s only 5% of children were born out of wedlock in Finland, while in the early 1990s 25% of children were born out of wedlock, and now the figure is over 50%. The figures show how sexual behavior has gradually changed and has an impact on children as well. It is no coincidence that at a time when parents are becoming less and less committed to each other and more and more couples are divorcing, children’s mental health problems have exploded. This is shown by the following newspaper articles from recent years:


Almost a billion euros will soon be used in institutional care for children and youth

Children's problems have escalated dramatically since the early 1990s


The expenses arising from institutional and family care in child welfare are currently increasing by more than 10% per year.

   This year, institutional and family care for children and the young will cost around EUR 670 million. If the sum continues to increase, it will exceed the billion-euro limit in five years.

   The number of children in institutional care has doubled since the early 1990s. Problems with children have increased to such an extent that most custody decisions are now urgent.

   ...The institutional care of one child can cost up to EUR 100,000 per year while proactive supporting measures in outpatient care could be offered with a couple of thousand euros. (Newspaper Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, 31 October 2010)


Intoxicants take younger and younger to institutions. The number of notifications and the cost of institutional care have increased enormously. (ESS 7.11.2019)

 Youth referrals almost doubled

Psychiatry: The mental health problems of young people have increased in recent years across the country. In Päijät-Häme, the number of referrals of young psychiatry increased by 40 per cent per year. (ESS, 30.5.2017)


Young people's minds faltering. Mental health: Referrals to specialised medical care in youth psychiatry have increased dramatically... (ESS, 25.9.2018)


The change, which has taken place especially since the 1960s, is further illustrated by Anton LaVey, the high priest of the Church of Satan. He is right about how big a change in the realm of sexuality took place around the mid-1960s. We are now living in the aftermath of a sexual revolution in which same-sex sex is also favored, “if both love each other”. Using exactly the same argument as was used in the 1960s to defend sex relations outside the marriage of an ordinary man and wife. The hippie slogan of the 1960s was “rock, peace and love”.


"The period of Satan started in 1966. At that time, God was announced to be dead, people started to defend sexual freedom, and the hippies developed a free sex culture." (2)


So is the change in morality good or bad? The quotations above already suggested that this was not the case. Children in particular suffer from the selfish choices of adults. A continuation of this is also gay and lesbian marriages, in which children are procured (a matter advocated by the activists of Tulkaa kaikki -movement in the previous article), either through temporary heterosexual relationships or through artificial methods. It is certain that this will not be a good solution for children either, but will increase children's mental health problems. Indeed, many children raised in lesbian and gay families have strongly criticized this practice. They cannot understand that gender is considered an important factor for an adult, but it is not considered important for children to have both biological parents. There is an obvious contradiction between the selfishness of adults and the interests of children. More on this topic in my article Gender Neutral Marriage and Children.

    When looking for reasons for the success of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement ideology and why sexual morality has changed, surely the biggest reason is that the Christian faith has lost its relevance. The Christian teaching about marriage, its permanence, and that sex is right only in the relationship between husband and wife is no longer popular, and it affects people’s behavior and attitudes. The Tulkaa kaikki -movement repeats the attitude and atmosphere that has entered society in recent years and decades. Therefore, the ideology of this movement is popular because it is fully in line with the prevailing social mindset.

    How, then, can one know that the underlying force behind these thoughts is evil? One way is to look at past history, when the same measures have been taken as today. One excellent example is the family experiment of our neighbor, the former Soviet Union, of which e.g. Matti Joensuu has written in his book “Avoliitto, avioliitto ja perhe”. In the Soviet Union, the early communists, after coming to power, carried out exactly same for what people are marching today. Among other things, divorce was made easy (in Finland it took place in 1987), abortion was made legal, sexual relations outside a man's and wife's marriage were accepted, homosexual relations were treated favorably, and even gender reassignment surgeries were performed.

    What was the outcome of the Soviet family experiment? It lasted only 10-15 years, and it was found to be harmful to society. Social problems increased, financial costs increased, birth rates decreased and crime increased. It led to the atheist regime changing legislation again in the 1930s and beginning to attack abortion and free sex. The practice showed how the rejection of proper sexual morality causes confusion in society. Here is a quote from Joensuu's book:


Very extensive experiments connected to the family institution were carried out in the Soviet Union since the revolution. When in Oneida Community it was a question of 300 persons, in the Soviet Union it is a question of at least 200 million people who also represent perhaps 170 nationalities.

   (…) In 1917, in the second month of the new governmental power, laws concerning marriage were published. Marriage in church was replaced with civil marriage. Divorce was permitted if one of the spouses asked for it. The following year these laws were complemented by imposing the birth of a child as the basis of marriage. There was to be no difference between children born in or outside of wedlock.

   (…) A more radical change came into effect in Russia in 1926 and immediately after also in other parts of the Soviet Union. According to this change, the registration of marriage was not necessary. (…) Thus, none of the responsibilities and rights of the spouses or children were dependent upon the registration of the marriage. In 1926, divorcing was made even more easy. Either both spouses or one of them could apply for divorce without giving any justification.

   (…) At first, there were no laws concerning sexual behavior. In 1920, abortion was legalized. Another law made adultery, bigamy, and incest acts not requiring punishment. The prevailing attitude was that there were to be no hindrances to free sexual relationships and no reactionary morals. Attempts to take contraceptives into use were taken and the idea was to abolish all shame concerning illegitimacy.

   (…) The consequence was that divorces became more common (…) the number of illegitimate children increased. (…) The number of abortions, according to some statements, ‘horribly’ increased. Women were in many cases forced to choose between their social status or maternity. (…) When the number of abortions increased, the birthrate in towns decreased. Worried statements concerning this were presented already in 1926. It was assessed in 1922 that the number of homeless children rose to about nine million.

   (…) Obviously, however, the breaking up of family relations caused an increase in juvenile delinquency. Many newspapers wrote about this phenomenon, called hooliganism, in the late 20s and in the early 30s. In 1929, hooliganism was deemed the most difficult problem. The number of juvenile delinquents was said to have doubled between the years 1929 and 1935. Groups of young people hanged around the towns and did all sorts of bad acts, such as attacked helpless citizens. There was talk about vandalism, thefts, burglaries, rapes, even murders that had increased over a short period of time.

   A turning point in the family politics of the Soviet Union took place in 1934-35. (…) There is no need to clarify here in what way the official way of thinking changed. The main point is that the social defects and decay were acknowledged and powerful propaganda against hooliganism, irresponsible sexual behavior, and abortions was begun...  (3)


Another example is Nazi Germany and the development before that. Already in the 18th and 19th centuries, Germany was the leading country in Bible criticism in Europe, so it is one reason and background factor for why an ideology like Nazism came to power in this country. When it was no longer believed that God was the creator and that man was accountable to God, this easily opened the doors to injustice.

    What about sexual morality? It is noteworthy that when the Tulkaa kaikki -movement pushs for homosexual behavior in Finnish churches, the same line of thought received support in Germany as early as the beginning of the last century, before the Nazi movement was born. Moreover, several of the early Nazi leaders were homosexual until Hitler took a negative stance on the matter. Thus wrote e.g. William L. Shirer in his well-known book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The person who was one of the founding members of the Finnish Seta movement explains the background of the matter:


It is a fact that American influences have had a significant impact on the issue of homosexuality in Finnish society and throughout the post-World War II world. This applies to both the stigmatization of homosexuals as sick and the liberation movements that promote equality.

   Although the international liberation movement for homosexuals began with the model given by Ulrichs and led by Hirschfeld in early 20th-century Germany, its modern form as a mass movement has nevertheless evolved primarily in the United States since the 1960s. (4)   


The third example is from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This city has been a pioneer in many kinds of evil. It has been listed by the UN as the number one target for human trafficking, it is a European drug center and it has been the capital of child pornography in Europe (the Netherlands also had a pedophile party years ago), but Amsterdam has also been considered the capital of homosexuals. Is this just a coincidence or not? In any case, it is interesting that at the same time as the Christian faith loses its meaning, things that have been widely regarded as evil are replacing it. All of these things go hand in hand and are intertwined. This has happened in Amsterdam, but the Tulkaa kaikki -movement is following a similar logic, because it rejects the clear teachings of Jesus and the apostles about sexuality. Here is a small quote related to Amsterdam. It’s from Floyd McClung’s book Elämää helvetin esikartanoissa (Living On The Devil’s Doorstep, 1988).


Over the years, I have visited numerous major cities all over the world, and there is no doubt that they all have their own toxic depths of vice, drugs and mental anxieties wrapped in splendid papers to lure imprudent and gullible people. But in Amsterdam, the ingredients seem to have blended together in a particularly deadly way. Here is one of the main veins of the European drug trade: heroin, cocaine and marijuana are almost as freely available as the delicious chocolate for which the Dutch are famous. There is a sex industry here that is advertised so loudly that it makes me shudder at the thought of what is going on in secret. There is also a strong sense of brutal evil here, as occultism and strange religious extremism are practiced around.

    ... Amsterdam, as a producer of child pornography to America, exports more than a billion dollars' worth of material every year, with the complicity of the indifferent and tolerant Dutch postal service....

   As part of that sexual liberation, a monument to homosexuality has been erected in one of the city's markets. Sexual freedom has been taken to blatant extremes in Amsterdam, which is considered the capital of homosexuality in Europe. Every weekend, it is estimated that ten to fifty thousand homosexual men and women arrive in Amsterdam because of its famous nightlife and events. Heterosexuals, including grandmothers, also reacted strongly when we spoke out against the practice of homosexuality and when we emphasized that it shows how far the city of Amsterdam has moved from the norms set by God… They did not understand that we distinguished between sin and sinners. (5)


What is current in the Bible and what is not? It was pointed out above how the representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement often seek to nullify the clear teachings of Jesus and the apostles regarding sexuality. They argue that these teachings, like all verses dealing with the subject of the Old Testament, are time-bound and do not apply to modern people. Now we know more and better than what the people of the time of the Bible knew about these things. Thus, e.g. the following verses in Corinthians no longer apply to modernity, they say:


- (1 Cor 6:9,10) Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?  Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionists, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


However, rejecting these clear verses, as the representatives of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement do, is a dangerous path. How do these people know that God has changed his attitude toward human behavior so that He will no longer judge us for our wrongdoing? Don’t such people have a god of imagination, or a god they have transformed according to their own beliefs? They do not accept the God who revealed himself through Jesus and the apostles he ordained, but have invented a god of their own, which is only in their imagination.

    However, this distortion of biblical texts is not just about sexuality. One important area is also creation, which is now banned “in the light of modern science”. It is argued that Darwin’s theory of evolution has proved creation wrong, and thus the Bible is said to have erred in this matter as well.

   However, since I am familiar with the subject myself, I will take a little position on it in the same context. I make a small deviation from the subject because the atheistic theory of evolution is often underlying in all the biblical criticism that occurs today.

   First, life. You will not find any scientist in the world who could show that the birth of life would be possible by itself. No scientist has been able to do that, because the birth of life by itself is an impossibility. Only life brings about life, and no exception has been found to this rule. For the first forms of life, this clearly refers to God, who created everything.

    Second, if you believe in evolution, tell me, in which natural history museum of the world can you find intermediate fossils? They should occur in millions, as an estimated hundreds of millions of fossils have already been excavated. Where do these intermediate fossils occur? At least in natural history museums they are not, as the following quotations show:


Dr. Etheridge, world-famous curator of the British Museum: Nine-tenths of what evolutionists say is sheer nonsense, not based on observations and is not at all supported by facts. This museum is full of evidence of the extreme fallacy of their views. In this entire huge museum, there is not a single piece of evidence of the transformation of species. (6)


None of the officials in five large paleontological museums can present even one simple example of an organism that could be regarded as a piece of evidence of gradual evolution from one species to another. (Dr. Luther Sunderland’s summary in his book Darwin's enigma. He interviewed many representatives of natural history museums for this book and wrote to them aiming at finding out what sort of evidence they had to prove evolution. [7])


Third, if you believe in the theory of evolution and millions of years, explain why no coal has been found that does not contain radiocarbon, of which an official half-life is only 5,730 years (Lowe, D.C., Problems associated with use of coal as a source of 14C free background material, Radiocarbon 31(2):117-120,1989). Also explain why radiocarbon has been found even in the so-called Cambrian fossils, such as the same substance has been found in dinosaur fossils ( ). If the results are taken as such, as must be taken into account the soft tissues, blood cells and DNA found in dinosaurs, there is no reason to believe in millions of years.


"You don't love." Back to the topic. When discussing the issue of gender minorities and sexual orientations, there is often an attempt in the media to turn things around in the direction that it is a question of human dignity and love. That is, if you are not positive about gender-neutral ideology and homosexual behavior, you will be considered narrow-minded and you will not give value to these people who are tied to these things. It is claimed that you lack love and do not give value to different people.

    But but. This is a completely misconception. No one is degraded by the allegation that his or her behavior is wrong. A criminal, an adulterer, a greedy, a proud person, or a practitioner of homosexuality are all precious as such, and God has loved everyone (John 3:16), but human deeds are not always right. Each of us is guilty in some area (that’s why we can’t, as it were, point out each other’s sins from above), but we shouldn’t say every behaviour good if it’s not. The problem is precisely that modern society has moved the line between right and wrong, so that it no longer holds e.g. the practice of homosexuality as wrong, as well as ordinary heterosexual relationships outside of husband and wife marriage, and different interpretations result from this. So it is not a question of love and unlovingness (of course these issues can be talked about with the wrong mindset) or human dignity and its lack, but a disagreement about what is right and wrong.

   On the other hand, as I stated in the writing on newspaper above, if the above verses (1 Cor 6: 9,10) are true in spite of everything, then true love is to warn people not to drift into wrongdoing and away from God. We do not gain eternal life by giving up injustices, but by grace and the Atonement of Jesus. However, if we intentionally harden ourselves, we will not inherit the kingdom of God, as Paul wrote.

   It is also worth remembering that Jesus and the apostles through whom the Christian teaching of sexuality originated were certainly more loving than any of the people in the Tulkaa kaikki -movement or other people. Of course, Jesus is different from everyone else because he is a son of God, but the apostles were also very loving. I will include a few verses about Paul:


- (2 Cor 12:14-15) Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not yours but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.

15 And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.


- (2 Cor 2:3-4) And I wrote this same to you, lest, when I came, I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice; having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all.

4 For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not that you should be grieved, but that you might know the love which I have more abundantly to you.


- (Rom 9:1-3) I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,

2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.

3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh


- (2 Tim 3:10-11) But you have fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience,

11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.


- (Phil 3:17) Brothers, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as you have us for an ensample.


"But it's innate." When looking for a reason why members of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement, like others in society, are positive about homosexuality, the main reason is probably that this thing is considered an innate trait, just like skin color. It is thought that homosexuality is not a person’s own choice, but a trait gained at birth.

    But how is it? Is it an innate trait or not? I have addressed this issue in a few writings, such as Gender Neutral Marriage and Children and Homosexuality and being freed from it. Crucially, the idea of the birth of homosexuality has been repeatedly refuted in twin studies. Identical twins have the same genes and growth environment in the womb, but only one of them may have a homosexual tendency, so other causes are usually underlying. Similarly, Helsingin Sanomat said on 29 August 2019 how genes cannot predict a person's sexual orientation: "A study of almost half a million people: Genes do not predict whether the same sex will interest."

    And what do homosexuals themselves think about the subject? Many of them deny the tendency of innate and do not believe it. Instead, they believe that circumstances in the past have been instrumental in the emergence of their tendency. The following short quote refers to this:


I read an interesting study by an expert: it was a survey to find out how many actively homosexual people believed they were born that way. Eighty-five percent of the interviewees were of the opinion that their homosexuality was a learned way of behaving caused by destructive influence early on in their home and enticement by another person.

   Nowadays, my first question when meeting with a homosexual is usually, “Who gave you the inspiration for it?” All of them can answer me. I will ask then, “What would have happened to you and your sexuality if you hadn’t met your uncle, or if your cousin had not come into your life? Or without your stepfather? What do you think would have happened?” This is when the bells start to toll. They say, “Maybe, maybe, maybe. (8)


The following quote tells you more about the background factors. Women who drift into lesbian relationships have often had a difficult relationship with their mother or have lost their mother in childhood. This may have given rise to a kind of emotional deficit, which is being attempted to be filled by same-sex relationships. One study found the following:


The study by Marcel T. Saghiri and Eli Robins (1973) was not based on a patient sample; instead, they recruited their homosexual interviewees through homosexual organisations. They noted that 27% of lesbians and 2% of heterosexual women had lost their mother before the age of 10. The relationship between lesbian women and their mothers had often been broken or was distant or indifferent. However, they had a warm relationship with their father. (9)


Does it matter, then, whether a tendency is congenital or not? After all, it doesn’t matter because ultimately a person’s morality determines how he or she lives or wants to live — that is, whether or not he or she lives according to his or her tendencies and lusts.

     So every person has false tendencies, some of them are innate, others are not. However, the teaching of the Bible is that we should not live according to lusts and false tendencies, but strive to give them up. Jesus said, "… The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the Gospel." (Mark 1:15) and "… except you repent, you shall all likewise perish." (Luke 13: 3), so here is a good pattern for all people.

    False tendencies that people have acquired either through birth or through circumstances can be e.g. the following things:


• Strong heterosexual lust. For example, a man can explain to his wife that he has a right to extramarital sex because he has a strong desire to have sex with other women

• A person prone to anger and hatred can explain that he or she was born that way. Therefore, he does not have to try to curb his tendency to get angry or commit violence against others

• Tendency to gossip or criticize others

• Tendency to fear and desire to seek people’s praise

• Tendency to greed

• Tendency to homosexual lust

• Tendency to escape life’s problems with alcohol or drugs

• Tendency to pride


Back to homosexuality. When a person drifts into it, it is often caused by emotional deficiency, as noted above. It can manifest in other people’s lives too but only in different ways. For example, others may, through accomplishments, try to buy approval from others and themselves. So they think they are more attractive and better people.

    In this context, it is worth mentioning that when the activists of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement encourage us to love people with a homosexual background, they are absolutely right. This is also the teaching of the Bible, and this fact cannot bybassed. The only difference is that members of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement encourage people to live by homosexual tendencies as well, but traditional Christian teaching urges people to give up doing this because it is wrong in God’s eyes and prevents man from inheriting the kingdom of God.

    In any case, the Christian church needs real change in this area. Yes, we need more love for all people, including those who think and act differently than we ourselves think and act. In addition, love and good friendships are key to people with traumatic backgrounds being able to heal from past experiences. This is also the case for those with a homosexual background.

   “Prince of the Preachers,” Charles H. Spurgeon, who lived in the 19th century, has highlighted well how orthodoxy in itself without love is a bad thing. If a person speaks of hell and judgment without compassion and love for others, such a person should remain silent:


It is terrible when a man becomes so orthodox that he can speak coldly and indifferently of the judgment of the wicked. Although he may not directly praise God for it, he does not feel heartache when he thinks about the drowning of millions of people. This is horrible!

    I hate to hear such men speak of the Lord's judgments, whose cold faces and gruff voices express dry orthodoxy. All human kindness and goodness has dried up from them. A preacher who lacks emotion in himself cannot create it in others. People sit listening to his dry and lifeless presentation until they begin to judge him as "healthy" They also become "healthy" themselves, and needless to say, they also fall into a "healthy" sleep. The life that has been in them has been lost as they scent deception and try to make pious men sinners for the sake of a single word. If only we were never baptized in such a spirit! (10)


Love and lust. When the activists of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement take a stand for a homosexual lifestyle, they talk about love. They think that if there are two men or women who love each other, they may be in sexual intercourse, and the church should bless such a relationship.

     So how does traditional Christian teaching go? Yes, there is always an emphasis on love, for all people, always and everywhere. Jesus even called for the love of enemies, so it it a good model for everyone. If we do not strive for this, we will certainly be doing the wrong thing.

     However, not everything mentioned in the name of love is always that, but there is also skewed love, which in fact often means selfishness. It can occur e.g. in the following ways:


• Skewed maternal love, in which the mother "because of her love" still controls her child in adulthood and interferes in his marriage. Problems between mothers and their son’s wives are very common.


• A married person “falls in love” with a person other than the spouse. The person thinks that this is love, and the "love" can cause him or her to leave his or her spouse and children.


• A young couple attracted to each other have sex and as a result the woman becomes pregnant. Later on, the boy leaves the girl. What they felt for each other was not really love.


• A promiscuous person may think that his/her sexual relations are driven by “love” but fails to consider the risks of STDs and broken relationships. AIDS, for example, has destroyed the lives of millions of people.


• A person who engages in gay relationships can talk about love, but does not take into account eternity and sexually transmitted diseases. These people have  usually many sex relationships and diseases spread more easily in them (in relationships between men). 

Another thing is whether sex is suitable for all relationships. Christian and biblical teaching has always been that sex is right only in a marriage between a man and a wife, not elsewhere. This comes to the fore e.g. in the following verses. This traditional teaching, in which husband and wife are committed to each other through marriage, is also good for children born, so that children can be born in a ready-made home and not be thrown away.


- (Matt 19:4-6) And he answered and said to them, Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall join to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh?

6 Why they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.


- (1 Cor 7:1-5) Now concerning the things whereof you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

3 Let the husband render to the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife to the husband.

4 The wife has not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband has not power of his own body, but the wife.

5 Defraud you not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.


The teaching of the Bible, then, is that sex is a good thing only in a marriage between a husband and wife, not elsewhere. This is not accepted by the activists of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement, but they are trying to extend the issue to those of the same sex, “if they love each other”. In it, however, they have to supplant the clear teachings of Jesus and the apostles on the subject.

    On the other hand, if love is used as a precondition for sexual intercourse, one could just as well support sexual relations between parents and children, “if both love each other”. However, most realize that these relationships are always wrong, and ultimately harm the entire relationship and the developing child. Love is corrupted if all relationships are sexualized.

    What about the sexual lusts that almost everyone has? Most have only heterosexual lust, a smaller proportion have homosexual lust, and then there is a very small group who don’t feel drawn right in either direction. So what is the solution to this?

 However, if one wants to abide by the teaching of Jesus and the apostles, there are only two options: either to remain unmarried or a marital relationship of a man and woman. Outside of husband and wife marriage, sex is wrong, and other relationships should be kept only at the level of friendship. Of course, this can be difficult, and we should not belittle anyone's problems, but we will go down dangerous paths if we do not strive to follow the clear teachings of Jesus and the apostles.

   In addition, we should consider the following verses, which, on the other hand, prove every person guilty before God, but which warn us about life according to our lusts and false inclinations:


- (Matt 5:28) But I say to you, That whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.


- (Mark 4:18,19) And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,

19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.


-(Rom 6:12) Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof.


- (1 John 2:16,17) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

17 And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God stays for ever.


- (2 Tim 3:1-4) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;


Prophesied development. When it comes to the issue of sexuality in the media, there is a prominent style to it. If you believe and teach like Jesus and the apostles, you are old-fashioned, narrow-minded, you do not love people, and you are an opponent of human equality. Instead, if you do the opposite, you are advanced, open-minded, loving, and you support the equality of all people. This is the prevailing style in the media and is not easily changed. In addition, years of brainwashing are contributing to people becoming increasingly negative about all Christian teaching. They reject the teaching of God, Jesus, and Christian because they think that the teachings of Jesus and the apostles are no longer relevant.

    The same thing manifests itself in the attitude towards which direction someone announces their sexuality to turn. If he says he has abandoned the homosexual lifestyle and no longer wants to live in it, he is considered a villain (remember the case of Anni in Finland, a bisexual, who said she no longer wanted to live in a lesbian relationship. Against her was severely attacked and  wanted to be silenced. Even the then ark bishop intervened.). Instead, if someone, e.g., a mother, comes “out of the closet,” and says they are now moving to a homosexual lifestyle, she is considered a hero and treated with silk gloves. At the same time, it is told how society as a whole is not yet mature enough to accept that some have opted for such a way of life.

   So it was an overview of how things are handled in the media. Personally, I see the reason for the complete loss of faith in what Jesus and the apostles taught. Nor does one want to understand that it is precisely love towards people and their eternal destiny that could be the motive of a believing Christian. The same believing Christian may also be concerned, as I myself am, that society will drift into a similar state as in communist countries and Nazi Germany, which had almost no religious freedom and a strong hatred of the Christian faith. I am pretty sure that in the West we will go in that direction, as that has happened all the time, and we will probably experience at some point similar events as in the first half of the last century (bloodshed, imprisonment of dissidents, wars, etc.). The truth of the matter is that man does not learn anything from history, and the same mistakes are repeated.

   It is good to move from this to the so-called conversion therapies, referred to in the media when it comes to soul care related to liberation from homosexuality. A legislative initiative has also emerged in Finland on this issue, one of the supporters of which is the Tulkaa kaikki -movement. The intention is to make a so-called conversion therapies illegal.

   But what to think about this issue? It is worth paying attention to the following points:

   First, the designation of conversion therapies. Congregations do not use such a name, but it is a term entirely coined by the media. Instead, the following words have always been used in the traditional Christian faith: sin, temptation, and sanctification. These are biblical terms, but conversion therapies are not. That is, why use wordings that do not occur in the Christian faith at all?   

  Second, in the case of any sin or lust — be it heterosexual or homosexual — it is rare for any human being to be freed from it the moment he turns to God. This man often has temptations in the same areas as he had before turning to God.

   So why raise this issue? The reason is that if someone is not immediately completely freed from some lust (in this case, homosexual lust), one may immediately criticize and explain that “it does not work and it is impossible to be freed”. However, we have this body of sin all the time, and it is only when we die that we can get rid of it. Therefore, we have to wander more or less imperfect during this life. This is also the case for a person who has had a homosexual background. However, such a person, like an ordinary heterosexual, must strive to live in such a way that he does not fall into temptation but seeks to get rid of sin. There are certainly hundreds of people from homosexual backgrounds in churches who know this and are in control of the matter. They struggle with their sexuality, just as other people can struggle with someone else area. The activists of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement seem to have no appreciation for these people who have a homosexual background but who do not want to live according to their tendencies. Instead, the activists of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement are only advocating for those who want to live according to their homosexual tendencies and who do not respect the clear biblical instructions on this matter.

    Third, the desire to get rid of homosexuality is based entirely on voluntariness. If someone doesn’t want to give up on this, it’s their choice. And if someone wants to get rid of their homosexual lifestyle, it should also be his right. Moreover, if such a person wants prayer and pastoral care for the cause, there should be an opportunity for that.

    However, here appears the people’s malice and wickedness. When everything is based on voluntariness in the Christian faith, drafters and supporters of the bill do not respect this. That is, they only accept that someone does not want to follow the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, and who wants to live a homosexual lifestyle. Instead, they don’t want to give value to those people who don’t want to live a homosexual lifestyle and who want intercession and pastoral care for it. I cannot see such an attitude other than as human wickedness and narrow-mindedness. That is what it really is, because supporters of the bill do not respect people’s own will and choice. This brings to mind the words of Jesus to the religious people of his day: 


- (Matt 23:13) 13 But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in.


The direction of the boat’s course in these sexual matters can hardly be reversed at this point. For, as has been said, years of brainwashing the media have led to people no longer understanding and not wanting to understand traditional Christian teaching on the subject. Personally, I understand that such a development belongs to the end times, that is, to the time just before the coming of Jesus. The world is going in an ever worse direction and accepting things that were previously considered clearly wrong. This development and apostasy from God is foretold in the Bible (2 Thess 2:3; 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; / ja 1 Tim 4:1; Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils), but it has also been referred to by the most recent prophecies. One of them is from David Wilkerson’s book The Vision. Wilkerson received this vision in 1973, and it describes a number of things that are currently coming true. The book also mentions that the church will accept a homosexual lifestyle. It is difficult to deny that this has not happen. The operation of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement here in Finland is one indication of this. Perhaps these people themselves have not understood how God has been aware of their projects in advance. So here is a quote from Wilkerson's book nearly fifty years ago:


There are two forces that prevent gays from dedicating themselves completely to their sin: society does not accept them and the church's teachings are against them. But these barriers will disappear, when society no longer resists their sin and deems it abnormal, but on the contrary encourages them to continue, and when the church no longer preaches about their sin, but supports them in their sexual activities. The floodgates will open, and the gays will be encouraged to continue in their sin. I have seen in my vision that these two obstacles will be wiped away and when they are taken away, chaos will follow. (11).


The fate of deceiving priests and bishops


- (James 3:1) My brothers, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.


- (Matt 18:6,7) But whoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

7 Woe to the world because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!


As noted, the activists of the Tulkaa kaikki -movement, like thousands of others, have taken one lust and inclination under their protection. They march for homosexual inclination and lust, but do not march for e.g., alcoholism, heterosexual lust, greed, pride, anger, or other tendencies. They have focused on only one lust and tendency that they bring forth in the church and society. They do not respect the teaching of the Bible that we should strive to get rid of all false tendencies and lusts, but support this one lust and tendency.

   Why do these people act like this? The question immediately arises for myself as to whether they are saved. It is possible to talk about spiritual things and God without ever stepping inside the door of salvation yourself. Such priests may already be in the majority, for example in the Finnish capital region. They don’t respect the teachings of the Bible, they don’t read the Bible, and they also march for a homosexual lifestyle, thinking they’re helping these people. They do not understand that if the teaching of the Bible is true in spite of everything, then they will lead people to hell and separation from God. They have become blind leaders of the blind, as Jesus taught (Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matt 15:14). They appear as representatives of love, but in their spiritual blindness they are narrow-minded towards the true truth, rebelling against the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, and taking people away from God.

    So what is the fate of deceiving priests and bishops? If the teachings of Jesus and the apostles are true, then they are in a serious position. That is, if they are not saved, and mislead others with their teachings, their judgment is greater than that of other people. They should tell people the truth, but with their distorted teachings, they will lead a large number of people away from God.

   Finally, we look at a description of what is the fate of spiritual teachers who mislead others. They are also responsible for misled people. It is not God’s will, of course, for these people to do this, but for them to be saved and to bring others into God’s eternal kingdom as well. The description is about a preacher in hell.


We stopped at yet another pit of fire and brimstone. There was a fairly large man in the pit, and I heard that he was preaching the Gospel! I didn’t ask anything anymore. I just looked at Jesus, amazed, to get an answer, because He always knew what I was thinking. And the Lord answered, “When he was on the earth, he was a preacher of Gospel.”

   I wondered what such a man was doing in Hell. (...) He spread his hands as if holding a book and started to read from it, like from the Bible.

   He read one writing after another, and I thought that this was good. Jesus said to the man, with great love in His voice, "Quiet. Be still.” The man immediately stopped talking and slowly turned to look at Jesus.

   I saw his soul inside his bony figure. He said to Jesus, “Lord, I am preaching the truth now to all people. Now, Lord, I am prepared to go and tell everyone about this place. When I was on the earth, I did not believe in damnation – nor did I believe in Your second coming. I told people what they wanted to hear and changed the truth so that it pleased them. I made my own rules about Heaven, about right and wrong. I led many astray and caused many to abandon Your Holy Word. I caused many to abandon You.”

   “But, Lord, I have changed. Please let me out, and I will do as You want.”

   Jesus said to the preacher,


Not only did you pervert God's Holy Word but you also lied that you did not know the truth. The joys of life were more important to you than the truth. I visited you myself and tried to change you, but you turned your back on me. You went your own ways and held the Devil as your lord. You knew the truth but you did not turn back to me. I was there all the time, waiting for you, calling for you. I wanted you to come back to me but you refused.

   The judgement has now been given.”


There was pity in the Lord’s face.

   I knew that if the man had listened to the Saviour’s call, he would not be here.

   Jesus spoke again,


You should have told the truth, and you would have turned many to faith with God’s Word. All my Words are true. You knew the way of the Cross. You knew the way of righteousness. You knew you should have spoken the truth. Yet, Satan filled your heart with lies and you turned to sin. You should have sincerely repented, instead of only partly. Now it is too late.” (12)  






1. Matti Joensuu: Avoliitto, avioliitto ja perhe, p. 12-14

2. Arthur Lyons: The Second Coming: Satanism in America (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1970)

3. Matti Joensuu: Avoliitto, avioliitto ja perhe, p. 85-91

4. Olli Stålström: Homoseksuaalisuuden sairausleiman loppu

5. Floyd McClung: Elämää helvetin esikartanoissa (Living On The Devil’s Doorstep), p. 15,16,209,210, 187

6. Thoralf Gulbrandsen: Puuttuva rengas, p. 94

7. Sit. kirjasta "Taustaa tekijänoikeudesta maailmaan", Kimmo Pälikkö ja Markku Särelä, p. 19.

8. Bill Hybels: Kristityt seksihullussa kulttuurissa (Christians in a Sex Crazed Culture), p. 132

9. Ari Puonti: Homoseksuaalisuus – hämmennyksestä selkeyteen, p. 101

10. Charles H. Spurgeon: Sielujenvoittaja (The Soul-Winner), p. 16,17

11. David Wilkerson: Näky (The Vision), p. 48

12. Mary Baxter: Jumalan ilmoitus kadotuksesta (A Divine Revelation of Hell), p. 37-39



More on this topic:

Are you a foolish virgin? It is possible to be a member of the church and attend church, but still be a foolish virgin, or unsaved person. What are the characteristics of such religiosity?

Theoretical belief. Many have faith in God, having outward forms of Christianity, and some are even church workers, but they still do not know the matter of salvation

Religiousness or faith? What is the difference between religiosity and saving faith in Jesus and God? They are not the same thing

Church leaders and God; that is, how many priests and bishops have drifted beyond the Christian faith

Misled priests; that is, how modern priests have created their own religion based on the basic assumptions of atheism

A message to a Church employee. Modern priests want to appear tolerant and progressive, but at the same time they give their support to injustice

Homosexuality, church and society. Today, homosexuality is not considered a sin and a lust. It is justified in the name of love and equality. Development in society affects also churches











Jesus is the way, the truth and the life





Grap to eternal life!


More on this topic:

Are you a foolish virgin? It is possible to be a member of the church and attend church, but still be a foolish virgin, or unsaved person. What are the characteristics of such religiosity?

Theoretical belief. Many have faith in God, having outward forms of Christianity, and some are even church workers, but they still do not know the matter of salvation

Religiousness or faith? What is the difference between religiosity and saving faith in Jesus and God? They are not the same thing

Church leaders and God; that is, how many priests and bishops have drifted beyond the Christian faith

Misled priests; that is, how modern priests have created their own religion based on the basic assumptions of atheism

A message to a Church employee. Modern priests want to appear tolerant and progressive, but at the same time they give their support to injustice

Homosexuality, church and society. Today, homosexuality is not considered a sin and a lust. It is justified in the name of love and equality. Development in society affects also churches