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TV program "Dinosaur Apocalypse "



Read how the secular TV program refers to the great tsunami that occurred with the destruction of dinosaurs, which is clearly the Flood mentioned in the Bible


I happened to see a two-part program on TV called Dinosaur Apocalypse (Dinosaur Apocalypset., BBC/PBS/France Télévisions, Iso-Britannia, 2022.). It brought up the common belief that the dinosaurs died extinction about 65 million years ago at the end of the so-called Cretaceous period. The reason for this has been suggested to be an asteroid that hit the earth and caused the destruction of the dinosaurs.

     What did you remember about this program? I agree that dinosaurs, like other life, faced destruction, but the dating and reason for the destruction can be disagreed with.

    First, the presence of dinosaurs on earth. Did they really live more than 65 million years ago? I will not discuss this topic further here as I have covered it in my other writings. I will only state that the dinosaur fossils do not have any markings or tags that they lived then. Instead, the soft tissues, radiocarbon, DNA, and blood cells found in the fossils strongly suggest that it is at most a few thousand years since their presence on Earth. These things in the fossils are evidence of their recent extinction, not the extinction that occurred millions of years ago.

    In addition, researchers would do well to take into account the fact that many traditional stories have repeatedly referred to dragons, which very much resemble dinosaurs.Some may say that they were just mythical creatures, but in fact dragon depictions were common among most peoples, as the following quote shows. This is most certainly a question of extinct animals, the existence of which could be proved by early humans only a few millennia ago. The term dinosaur was not coined until the 1800s by Richard Owen.


The dragons in legends are, strangely enough, just like real animals that lived in the past. They resemble large reptiles (dinosaurs) that ruled the land long before man is supposed to have appeared. Dragons were generally regarded as bad and destructive. Each nation referred to them in their mythology. (The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, 1973, p. 265)


What about the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs? The cause of the destruction was presented in the program as an asteroid that hit the earth more than 65 million years ago. However, in the program it was admitted that "no one has found a dinosaur fossil to prove that they died as a result of the collision". In other words, an asteroid falling to earth is a poor explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

    Instead, the program came up with a much more reasonable explanation for the destruction of the dinosaurs: water. It was told and brought up many times in the program that a large tsunami would have caused the destruction of the dinosaurs in the Hell Creek area. Here are some quotes from the program:


Here is the freshwater environment of the Hell Creek formation. The shard, glowing in shades of neon red and green, comes from the shell of a spiral-shaped sea animal, an ammonite. This marine organism has entered a freshwater environment where it does not belong. How the ammonites ended up here is a mystery.


The rock layer is therefore porous and about a meter thick. That and other unusual features point to an extraordinary event in Robert's opinion. Perhaps a flood or a mudslide happened here, which buried everything under it in an instant.


The faster the animal is buried, or if burial is even the cause of its death, the more favorable conditions for fossilization arise. … 99.9% of animals do not fossilize


The reproduction method of the pterosaurs was clearly successful. It suggests that life was normal until an asteroid impact changed everything in a terrible way.


Did these animals walk in the sea? They were going to drink from the soft embankment.

    The number of fossils found by Robert suggests that even at the end of the Cretaceous period, Tanis was teeming with life.


Robert's team follows an attractive chain of leads. The first clue is the fossils of fish that experienced mass extinction.


Here is wood. Against it, the carcasses of the fish have been squeezed tight.


Here are some fossils here and there. Here is one and next to it another sturgeon facing this way. Below the pond sturgeon is another sturgeon. Its body goes under the tree trunk and appears on the other side.

    The rock layer is therefore porous and about a meter thick. That and other unusual features point to an extraordinary event in Robert's opinion. Perhaps a flood or a mudslide happened here, which buried everything under it in an instant.


According to Robert's theory, the fish caught in the backlog of tree trunks and surrounded by the spheres died after being caught in some kind of flood and were quickly buried in the sediment. That is why they have been preserved so well. What caused the tidal wave? According to one hypothesis, an asteroid hitting the sea caused a tsunami. Now we are talking about a completely different kind of tsunami. It was much higher and bigger than modern day tsunamis. ... Its height was at least a kilometer.


Could a tsunami have caused the stratification seen in Tanis?


I think the researchers in the programs were on the right track. Water really was involved in the destruction of the dinosaurs. This was not only the case in the Hell Creek area, which was covered in the program, but everywhere else as well. Hell Creek is only one of the places where dinosaurs were found, as the remains of these animals have been found all over the world. In fact, fossils of these animals, like fossils of other animals, would not even exist if the mudslides had not first quickly buried these animals in the mud. That is the only way to explain the origin of all fossils, of which forming are hardly observed today. In the program it was also admitted that the creation of fossils is a rare event: ”The faster the animal is buried, or if burial is even the cause of its death, the more favorable conditions for fossilization arise. … 99.9% of animals do not fossilize.”

   Secondly, the program said that sea animals such as ammonites and fish were found in the same strata as trees and dinosaurs. How is this possible? How can sea animals, land animals and trees occur together in the same stratum? The only explanation is that a large tsunami has caused this phenomenon, as presented in the program. The program even stated about the size of the tsunami that "Its height was at least a kilometer."

    What do I want to say with the previous one? If we are talking about a large tsunami, why can't we directly talk about the Flood mentioned in the Bible as the cause of destruction? It is the most likely reason for the destruction of both dinosaurs and other species. This point is worth considering, since several hundred early flood accounts have been found, as the following quotations show:


Around 500 cultures – including indigenous peoples of Greece, China, Peru and North America – are known in the world where the legends and myths describe a compelling story of a large flood that changed the history of the tribe. In many stories, only a few people survived the flood, just like in the case of Noah. Many of the peoples considered the flood to have been caused by gods who, for one reason or another, got bored with the human kind. Perhaps the people were corrupt, like in Noah’s times and in a legend by the Native American Hopi tribe of North America, or perhaps there were too many and too noisy people, like in the Gilgamesh epic. (Kalle Taipale: Levoton maapallo, p. 78)


Lenormant says in his book "Beginning of History":

"We have the opportunity to prove that the story of the Flood is a universal tradition in all branches of the human family, and such a certain and uniform tradition as this cannot be considered an imagined fable. It must be the memory of a true and terrifying event, an event that made such a strong impression on the minds of the first parents of the human family that even their descendents could never forget it. (Toivo Seljavaara: Oliko vedenpaisumus ja Nooan arkki mahdollinen?, p. 5)


Peoples of different races have different heritage stories about the enormous flood catastrophe. The Greeks have told a story about the Flood, and it is centered around a character named Deukalion; even long before Columbus, the natives of the American continent had stories that had kept alive the memory of the great flood. Tales about a flood have been moved on from generation to generation up until this day also in Australia, India, Polynesia, Tibet, Kašmir and Lithuania. Are they all just tales and stories? Are they all made up? It is presumable that they all describe the same great catastrophe. (Werner Keller: Raamattu on oikeassa, p. 29)


Another reason is the remains of marine animals and plants on high mountain ranges, including the Himalayan Mount Everest and other high mountain ranges. Here are some quotes from the scientists' own books on the subject:


While travelling on the Beagle Darwin himself found fossilized seashells from high up on the Andean Mountains. It shows that, what is now a mountain was once under water. (Jerry A. Coyne: Miksi evoluutio on totta [Why evolution is true], p. 127)


There is a reason to look closely at the original nature of the rocks in mountain ranges. It is best seen in the Alps, in the lime Alps of the northern, so-called Helvetian zone. Limestone is the main rock material. When we look at the rock here on the steep slopes or at the top of a mountain - if we had the energy to climb up there - we will eventually find fossilized animal remains, animal fossils, in it. They are often badly damaged but it is possible to find recognizable pieces. All those fossils are lime shells or skeletons of sea creatures. Among them there are spiral-threaded ammonites, and especially a lot of double-shelled clams. (…) The reader might wonder at this point what it means that mountain ranges hold so many sediments, which can also be found stratified in the bottom of the sea. (p. 236,237 "Muuttuva maa", Pentti Eskola)


Harutaka Sakai from the Japanese University in Kyushu has for many years researched these marine fossils in the Himalayan Mountains. He and his group have listed a whole aquarium from the Mesozoic period. Fragile sea lilies, relatives to the current sea urchins and starfishes, are found in rock walls more than three kilometers above sea level. Ammonites, belemnites, corals and plankton are found as fossils in the rocks of the mountains (…)

   At an altitude of two kilometers, geologists found a trace left by the sea itself. Its wave-like rock surface corresponds to the forms that remain in the sand from low-water waves. Even from the top of Everest, yellow strips of limestone are found, which arose under water from the remains of countless marine animals. ("Maapallo ihmeiden planeetta", p. 55)


What can be concluded from the above? It is pointless to talk about millions of years, because the dinosaur fossils themselves do not testify to such a thing. The soft tissues, radiocarbon, DNA and blood cells in them point clearly to only short periods of time. Instead, these animals died mainly in the Flood mentioned in the Bible, although they still lived after this event. This is evidenced by the depictions of dragons among many peoples.

     Many other examples could be brought up on this point, but I hope the previous examples show that the Bible's description of the flood is real history, but the millions of years are imagination. Atheist theories of the origin of the universe and the beginning of life are part of a similar imagination, since no celestial bodies can arise by themselves, and life cannot arise by itself. There is not a single piece of evidence for these, which even several atheist scientists have admitted. I have written about these issues in several of my articles, and they also contain the honest opinions of atheist scientists. I wish everyone would look into these things more closely. I myself used to be an atheist who believed in atheist theories of creation and millions of years. Now I consider them fables, lies and fairy tales.




More on this topic:

There is ample evidence for the historical nature of the Flood in nature and in human tradition. Read how much evidence there is

Finnish science magazine and dinosaurs - is it worth believing for millions of years?


When did the Dinosaurs Live? Learn why dinosaurs lived in the recent past, at the same time as humans. Millions of years are easy to question in light of the evidence


Read how science has gone badly misguided regarding theories from the beginning of the universe and life
















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More on this topic:

There is ample evidence for the historical nature of the Flood in nature and in human tradition. Read how much evidence there is

Finnish science magazine and dinosaurs - is it worth believing for millions of years?


When did the Dinosaurs Live? Learn why dinosaurs lived in the recent past, at the same time as humans. Millions of years are easy to question in light of the evidence


Read how science has gone badly misguided regarding theories from the beginning of the universe and life