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Teaching fables in schools



The theory of evolution with its millions of years is a myth that is taught in schools


If you read magazines and follow the media, the theory of evolution with its millions of years comes up. Atheist scientists and others after them believe in these concepts, as I used to believe when I was an atheist. In those days, I was not at all familiar with the weakness of these concepts and how numerous factors are against them.

    The image of the validity of the theory of evolution and millions of years also affects the fact that people do not want to listen to the teaching about God as the creator. They think that the theory of evolution with its millions of years is a scientific fact, and therefore they reject the teaching of God's work of creation in e.g. school education. This naturalistic understanding is well expressed in the following quote, which was in the Näppiset column in Etelä-Suomen Sanomat (12/19/2024) . In it, its author hoped that the doctrine of creation would not be taught in schools:


I hope that no school in Finland teaches the doctrine of creation. Creationism is not a natural science "doctrine" and the Bible is not a biology textbook. Most of the world's Christians and churches smoothly connect the Creator and evolution, which is a new creative process.


What is the issue in this matter? I am convinced that when creation is rejected, it is a matter of turning to fables, as Paul once taught: 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables(2 Tim 4:3,4). People turn to imagination and fables for which there is no evidence.

   Scientists are right that change takes place in organisms, but this does not prove that all organisms originate from the same original cell. These things have nothing to do with each other. Variation within the framework of heredity is different from the actual theory of evolution.

   Millions of years is another similar unproven thing. For example, dinosaurs are considered the flagship of millions of years, but it is not taken into account that in human history there are repeated references to dragons that resemble dinosaurs (the name dinosaur was invented only in 1841 by Richard Owen). For example, the Behemoth mentioned in the book of Job could have been such a dragon/dinosaur. For example, the Marxist atheist Stephen J. Gould stated that when the book of Job talks about Behemoth, the only animal that fits this description is a dinosaur ( Pandans Tumme , p. 221, Ordfrontsförlag, 1987).

    Furthermore, when radiocarbon, DNA, soft tissues and blood cells have been found in dinosaur fossils, they speak strongly against millions of years. The presence of these substances in dinosaur fossils shows that there can be no question of millions of years.

    In any case, the following is a short article I sent to the magazine's opinion column, which was a response to the previous opinion on the Näppikset column, where the author hoped that schools would not teach about creation. I replied that if we do not accept creation, we turn to imagination and fables:




Teaching fables in schools


In Näppikset, someone hoped that schools would not teach the doctrine of creation because, according to him, it is not a "natural science doctrine" (19.12). I take a stand on this issue as a former atheist and believer in evolution.

    First, the birth of life. No natural scientist has ever shown that life could arise by itself. School books thus present information based entirely on imagination if they say that life arose by itself. It is a belief related to the atheistic worldview, for which there is not a single proof. I claim that the only reasonable alternative for the existence of life is God's work of creation. It cannot arise by itself, and man has not achieved it in his experiments, so the only option left is that God created life.

   Second, atheist scientists cannot prove that all species originated from the same primordial cell. This theory appears repeatedly in nature programs and school books, but it has never been proven correct. Variation does take place within the framework of heredity, but no more than that. Well-known paleontologists have admitted that there is no evidence of gradual evolution in the fossil record, even though Darwin's theory requires it. For example, Stephen J. Gould has stated: I do not wish in any way to denigrate the potential validity of the gradualist view of evolution. I just want to point out that it has never been 'observed' in rocks…”

    The theory of gradual development is also refuted by the fact that all modern animals and fossils have always been found completely ready and developed. No adult individuals have been found that are half developed. This clearly refutes Darwin's theory, according to which all current species originate from the same primitive cell.

   The question is why do schools teach theories that clearly lack evidence. It is a matter of theories based on imagination. Instead, there is many times more evidence for the historicity of the Bible than for the previous theories of imagination. Dozens of people from the Bible can be found in sources outside the Bible, dozens of places mentioned in the Bible have been excavated, and e.g. the remains of the sea in all the high mountains testify to the Flood; The Himalayas, the Alps, the Andes, etc. Even on Mount Everest, remains of marine life have been found. It is pointless to claim that the Bible does not tell about historical events. Liberal theologians and atheist scientists are spiritually blinded when they fail to see the historicity of these events.


Jari Iivanainen




More on this topic:

Read how science has gone badly misguided regarding theories from the beginning of the universe and life

Finnish science magazine and dinosaurs - is it worth believing for millions of years?


When did the Dinosaurs Live? Learn why dinosaurs lived in the recent past, at the same time as humans. Millions of years are easy to question in light of the evidence

There is ample evidence for the historical nature of the Flood in nature and in human tradition. Read how much evidence there is












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More on this topic:

Read how science has gone badly misguided regarding theories from the beginning of the universe and life

Finnish science magazine and dinosaurs - is it worth believing for millions of years?


When did the Dinosaurs Live? Learn why dinosaurs lived in the recent past, at the same time as humans. Millions of years are easy to question in light of the evidence

There is ample evidence for the historical nature of the Flood in nature and in human tradition. Read how much evidence there is